Submitted events are all listed below – read through and vote to play your favorites!
  • Voting will run for about a week before each game day
  • Click the heart icon next to an event title to vote for it
  • Click anywhere else on the event listing to see more details
  • Only vote for events you plan on participating in
  • Vote counts are reset after each game day
  • New submissions will be added after each game day before voting re-opens
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Paddle Board Flip Cup

Two teams play flip cup exactly as normal – except the “table” is a paddle board and everyone is treading water!

Categories: DrinkingPhysical
Submitted by Gennie

Paddle Board Watermelon Toss

Teams of two will compete to see who can throw a mini watermelon back and forth the most times! Paddle boards will start 10′ apart; throw the melon back and forth with your partner until someone falls in the water or drops the melon. Most completed throws wins!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Zach

Water Gun Sharpshooter Duel

Single elimination tournament. You will face off against one other person, each of you on your own paddle board with cans around you. Try to shoot the cans off the other person’s board without knocking your own cans over. The last person with cans left standing moves on to the next round!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Bryan

Paddle Board Grape Toss

Teams of 2, who will each be on a paddle board 15 ft from each other. Each team will have 1 timed minute to throw as many grapes into each other’s mouths as possible. Ties will result in a second 1 minute round.

Categories: PhysicalDumb Luck
Submitted by Zach

Paddle Board Sprint Race

A 50 yd paddle board sprint. We will do heats of 4 with the top 2 advancing (or 3 with 1 advancing) to get down to a final 4. The final sprint will be 100 yds total, 50 each way out around a buoy and back.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Zach

Balance Challenge

Who can execute the most balance challenges on the paddle board without falling (thinking simple yoga type poses like cat/cow, downward and upward dog, moving to more challenging poses where you have to stand upright)

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Melissa G

Blind Surfacing Accuracy

We’ll extend a rope out from the boat with a floaty attached to the far end to keep it taut, and a flag tied onto a random spot in the middle. We’ll take turns diving off the boat and trying to surface as close to the flag as possible – but your eyes must be closed at all times! (We’ll bring a pair of blacked out goggles in case anyone is worried about cheating.) Each person will tie a string on the rope where they surfaced – whoever’s string is closest to the flag wins! In the case of a tie (e.g. multiple people surface exactly at the flag), we’ll move the flag and do a tiebreaker round.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Diving Accuracy

Single elimination tournament. Each participant takes a turn diving off the side of the boat through a large ring on the water; anyone who misses the ring is eliminated. After each round the ring will be shrunk slightly and/or moved farther away from the side of the boat. The last person to successfully make it through the ring wins the gold!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Recycling Race

A group of participants (group sized determined by total entries) race to collect several floating objects (most likely floating cans) placed randomly on the lake approximately 30′ from each other. Once all objects are collected, the participants with the most objects advance to the next round. Final 4 participants will face off in 4 single elimination rounds. Participants may not touch other paddle boards, participants, or already grabbed objects.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Shotgun while Treading Water

You will be handed a prepared beer can (hole punched but tab unopened) while you’re already in the water; when the timer starts, crack the tab and down that beer! You must completely finish the beer without letting the can come in contact with the surface of the water (but splashes are fine); fastest time wins!

Categories: DrinkingPhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Michelle

Diving Competition

Who has the most impressive dive? A panel of un very biased judges will score each dive based on technical difficulty, skill, and style. Each participant can dive up to three times; only your highest-scored dive will count.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Paddleboard mini football toss

Partners take turns throwing a mini football back and forth while standing on paddle boards a set distance apart.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

This or That?

All participants answer a series of multiple choice preference questions (e.g. “beer or seltzer?”), any participant who answers a question with the majority earns a point. Most points wins.

NOTE: Your answer doesn’t have to reflect your personal preference.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Pick the Lowest Number

Each competitor writes down a positive integer in secret. All the numbers are revealed, and whoever wrote down the lowest unique number wins the round. First player to win two rounds gets Gold, second gets Silver, and third gets Bronze!

Categories: Dumb Luck
Submitted by Luke

Fast Talker

Who can speak the fastest…and most clearly? Everyone will receive the same paragraph(s) of text and have one minute to read as much of it as possible into a phone with dictation running. Your score is the number of words you can read before the minute is up – but only the words that the dictation software records correctly count, so make sure to enunciate! In the case of a tie, the person with fewer errors wins.

Categories: MentalPhysical
Submitted by Gennie

Breath holding

Who can hold their breath the longest?

Categories: Endurance
Submitted by Zach

Pick a Card, Any Card

The dealer shuffles a deck and picks a random trump suit, then all participants draw a card. Highest card wins a point (any trump card beats any other suit; for ties, both players get a point). Dealer then reshuffles and picks a new trump. First to 10 wins.

Categories: Dumb Luck
Submitted by Gennie

Canoe Race

Race a canoe from point A to point B. Teams of two.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Caitlin

Time Keeping

Each participant must provide their own timer. Before the event begins, a random time will be chosen between 69 and 169 seconds. On the call of GO, all participants start their timers and close their eyes. Participants have one chance to stop at the chosen time.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Lady & Tramp Shotgunning

You and your partner have to shotgun a 24oz beer can together – carefully punch holes in opposite sides of the can, then pop the tab and start chugging!

Categories: Drinking
Submitted by Gennie